S. Elle Cameron

All love is a tragedy...

Filtering by Tag: New Cover

Final Cover For RED Revealed!

It's official! The final cover for RED is here! I love this cover so much because I feel like it's attractive yet it also depicts the main character Peyton so perfectly. Of course, the background is red but I love the glittery look it has to it because it almost makes you want to touch it. It's symbolic of how Peyton is. Beautiful and eye catching on the outside but when you get close enough to touch, it's pretty rough; kind of like the saying, "all that glitters is not gold." The original cover for RED was just a plain red background with black bold letters. This cover follows the same concept but it has a bit more pizazz! My sister says she thinks of ruby slippers and that's totally acceptable too. It's more simple than the new cover for A Tragic Heart but it's just as beautiful too. This makes me excited for the cover to the third installment of the series, Turn It Off! Anyway, take a look at the final cover for RED below:

New Cover For A Tragic Heart (It's Pretty Awesome!)

Let me start off by saying that this cover is totally rad!!!!! I just posted yesterday that I needed a cover that would appeal to the target audience (young adults and early adults) but also conveyed the emotional attachment the book has and I think this is it. It's the same concept as the original cover but it's less graphic and a little easier on the average eye (and it definitely doesn't look like a science fiction book). Here's the new cover to A Tragic Heart that will be available once the novel is republished with Line by Lion.

A Tragic Heart Cover Change

For a while now I've been contemplating if I should change the cover to my debut novel, A Tragic Heart. While I love the original cover, there has been speculation that it may not be reaching the target audience. I've been told (by agents and publishers) that it's a great book but it may be overlooked simply because of the cover. Although we all know the saying "don't judge a book by it's cover" sadly most of us do exactly that. The biggest misconception is that the book is a sci-fi novel instead of a Young Adult/Coming of Age/New Adult novel. The original cover is supposed to depict the emotional turmoil of the book and the human heart shattering like glass is supposed to depict how fragile the characters are. People love it once they understand the meaning behind the cover but the issue is most people won't read it to give it that chance.

I'm going for a more traditional book cover this time around that has a similar concept but is more appealing to the target audience. Maybe once the book is out there I'll change the cover back to its original form but for now it's time for a change. I'll post the new cover once it's changed so you all can let me know your opinions. In the meantime, take a look at the original cover below and tell me what you think.