S. Elle Cameron

All love is a tragedy...

Filtering by Tag: Wanderlust

New Website & New Material for 2017!

The last time I wrote anything on this blog was back in June when I shared that I started an organization called Jumping Waves. After that I got really caught up in planning my wedding (yes, I got married!), being apart of my sister's wedding and moving across the country (NYC to AZ). Now, I'm not exactly settled but I got tired of waiting. I felt the need to get back on my grind and start working towards my goals again. First off, SElleCameron.com got a new look and a new host!


Crazy Little Thing Called Love is almost complete (literally like a chapter or two away from being done), My novel I wrote back in 2010, Smoke & Mirrors will get some attention from me by being reworked and released, not to mention Jumping Waves will be making some waves. These are my goals for 2017. Not to mention, I want to create a website for Wanderlust, my blog I started back in March that is dedicated to my travel affairs around the world. That will be reworked from scratch.


I want to start video blogging as well but my webcam on my computer no longer works but this won't stop me. Hopefully sometime in the upcoming months I'll get around to purchasing one so I can get going. I'm currently wracking my brain trying to come up with new ways to reach more people. I don't desire anymore breaks and I want to keep it moving.


Here's a list of projects coming in 2017 (so far):

  • What Could've Been
  • Crazy Little Thing Called Love
  • Smoke & Mirrors
  • More short stories
  • Video updates
  • More activity from Jumping Waves
  • Launch a website for Wanderlust (my travel blog) 
  • The re-release of A Tragic Heart (my first novel)

Follow me on my social media accounts for updates on projects:




Wanna Travel?

Do you love to travel? Have you ever had dreams of seeing the world? Maybe you always thought about visiting a country or city but wasn't sure what there is to do there? Whatever the case, you can now travel with me wherever I go. 

I started a blog called Wanderlust through my website SElleCameron.com where you can follow me through my travels as I gain inspiration to write books, poetry, personal journal entries and short stories. Since I was a kid I wanted nothing more than to see the world (and work with celebrities/be one, but whatever), so now I'm doing it. 

Today I'm beginning Wanderlust with a take off to Miami for a cruise heading to Cozumel, Mexico (along with the band Paramore. There's where the celebrity thing comes in). I'll be part of the Parahoy experience and will document my time there with videos and photos, along with writings. Hope to see you following along. 

See the world with me! 

Head over to SElleCameron.com for blog updates and follow me on Instagram (@S.ElleCameron) for real time updates, photos, and video. 

Also if you subscribe to my newsletter via my website you will receive a free copy of my first novel in Kindle format. 

It's Been Some Time But There's A New Me!

I know, I know! It's been over two months since the last time I posted anything but that's going to change because I have finally found a schedule that works for me. In the time that I have been away I completed my first children's chapter book, Madison Avenue and I created a new website that you can check out at SElleCameron.com.

From now on, I will try to blog at least once a week and I am going to become more active via my social media pages. For those who know me personally, they know this is my biggest challenge because I hate social media. I know this sounds insane for a 24 year old who is also a public figure to state but I really do. I'm not good at socializing in real life and the same goes for cyber socializing. Sorry, but I was never the "cool" kid so I'm a but stumped at this part but I am going to make more of an effort.

I have so many ideas for 2016 and the rest of the future that I'm extremely motivated to stay on top of my blogging and sharing. In fact, I plan to start a new blog entitled Wanderlust via my website that will chronicle all of my travels as I write a book of the same title that will feature personal journal entries, poems, short stories, and anything else I feel inspired to write about. It's a book that will aim at nothing yet go everywhere, hence the name Wanderlust.

The blog will feature videos (I'm going to get over my fear of video blogging), photos, and excerpts from my personal travels around the world and USA. Traveling is big for me and I hope to start the blog as soon as next month while on my cruise from Miami to Mexico with my favorite band Paramore. Now that's something to share!

So, remember to keep checking for me throughout 2016. I'm hoping to become more transparent as a public figure and reach people I never thought I could. Keep scrolling, clicking, and sharing!

Much love,

S. Elle Cameron